U-ck217 unknown site archer2

u-ck217 is a copy of u-ci287 and when I try to run it I get the the FAIL messages (below). This is probably first time I have run an Archer suite at all since before 2FA but I think the issue is fundamental as the error is reported on PUMA. I see in the cylc-run/u-ck217 the suite.rc is indeed line 65 where the sites are set. I thought I had checked al lthe details as shown on : http://cms.ncas.ac.uk/wiki/Archer2

PUMA ID is markr archer2 id is mricha

[FAIL] cylc validate -v --strict u-ck217 # return-code=1, stderr=
[FAIL] Jinja2Error:
[FAIL] File “”, line 65, in top-level template code
[FAIL] UndefinedError: ‘assert’ is undefined
[FAIL] Context lines:
[FAIL] {# Define known sites #}
[FAIL] {% set KNOWN_SITE_CFGS = [‘archer2’, ‘meto_cray’, ‘monsoon’, ‘nci_raijin’, ‘niwa_cray’] %}
[FAIL] {{ assert(SITE in KNOWN_SITE_CFGS, “Site not recognised”) }} ← Jinja2Error

please allow us read access to your ARCHER2 home and work spaces



Just remove the assert line in suite.rc – it needs a later version of cylc than is used on PUMA.


Hi grenville,
tha tis great it now has got past the assert but of course I think my SSH set up is not working properly. I did ssh-add the archerum pass phrase on PUMA:
(preamble then…)
[FAIL] ssh -oBatchMode=yes login.archer2.ac.uk bash --login -c ‘ROSE_VERSION=2016.11.1\ rose\ suite-run\ -v\ -v\ --name=u-ck217\ --run=restart\ --remote=uuid=ca0b48ef-5b34-422f-939a-6242f8385556,root-dir=$DATADIR’ # return-code=255, stderr=
[FAIL] Permission denied (publickey).
markr@puma u-ck217 $

what do you get when you ssh to archer2 from PUMA?

markr@puma u-ck217 $ ssh mricha@login.archer2.ac.uk
Warning: the ECDSA host key for ‘login.archer2.ac.uk’ differs from the key for the IP address ‘’
Offending key for IP in /home/markr/.ssh/known_hosts:2
Matching host key in /home/markr/.ssh/known_hosts:19
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Comand rejected by policy. Not in authorised list
Connection to login.archer2.ac.uk closed.

Job submission will fail until you get no more Offending key fo… messages

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I deleted all the 193.62 entries:
markr@puma markr $ ssh login.archer2.ac.uk
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address ‘’ to the list of known hosts.
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Comand rejected by policy. Not in authorised list
Connection to login.archer2.ac.uk closed.
markr@puma markr $ ssh login.archer2.ac.uk
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address ‘’ to the list of known hosts.
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Comand rejected by policy. Not in authorised list
Connection to login.archer2.ac.uk closed.

looks OK now - try submitting a job

Okay, started and cylgui appears (empty) "stopped with ? (purple square)
perhaps I am behaving like a novice. but long time since I used Archer. bit different to Monsoon.
Guess I have to nose around the arcehr2 “install” files and work dirs.


A post was split to a new topic: Ancillary files have not been found