I am trying to run a copy of the ARCHER2 standard suite ‘u-as037/archer2’ (my suite id is u-ch033).
The ‘fcm_make_um’ fails because it can’t find the UM configuration file:
[FAIL] config-file=/home/wb19586/cylc-run/u-ch033/work/18500101T0000Z/fcm_make_um/fcm-make.cfg:6
[FAIL] config-file= - /home/ros/um/branches/vn10.7_archer2_compile/fcm-make/ncas-ex-cce/um-atmos-safe.cfg
[FAIL] /home/ros/um/branches/vn10.7_archer2_compile/fcm-make/ncas-ex-cce/um-atmos-safe.cfg: cannot load config file
[FAIL] /home/ros/um/branches/vn10.7_archer2_compile/fcm-make/ncas-ex-cce/um-atmos-safe.cfg: cannot be read
[FAIL] No such file or directory
I did not change the ‘config_root_path’ from the standard suite, so it seems to have moved. Could you please let me know where I can find the ARCHER2 10.7 configuration?
Many thanks,