Use patch on pumanew


I want to use ‘patch’ on pumanew to merge two different UM branches. I can’t find it on ‘pumanew’. Can you please point me - to use it on the pumanew.

Regards, Alok

Hi Alok,

I assume these are 2 UM branches on MOSRS? If so the easiest way to merge 2 branches is to use the fcm merge command. Is there a reason why you can’t use that?


Hi Ros,

I tried ‘fcm merge’ but getting conflicts.
Summary of conflicts:
Text conflicts: 15
Tree conflicts: 14
Therefore, I want to use patch. By the way what is ‘Tree conflicts’?

Regards, Alok

Hi Alok,

Conflicts indicate that the same code has been changed in some of the files so it can’t automatically decide which changes to keep. Tree conflicts indicate that some of the files in the branch you are trying to merge in have either been moved, deleted or renamed. Using patch will just overwrite any of your changes in the base branch with the code from the branch being merged in. It is always advised to use fcm merge and then fcm conflicts to resolve any code conflicts.

Which 2 branches are you trying to merge?

Patch isn’t currently installed on pumanew.


Hi Ros,

Thanks for the clarifications. I am trying to merge my branch /home/akpandeyjnu/um/branches/vn11.1_DEST_plus_Iodine_akp_C with Paul’s branch fcm:um.x_br/dev/paulgriffiths/vn11.1_hetchem-halogen_iodine@117789. Actually, Paul has added some heterogeneous chemistry processes occurring on the sea-salt aerosol component of the GLOMAP aerosol.

I tried to merge Paul branch using the command
“fcm merge fcm:um.x_br/dev/paulgriffiths/vn11.1_hetchem-halogen_iodine@117789” and received following message:
Merge: /main/branches/dev/paulgriffiths/vn11.1_hetchem-halogen_iodine@117789
c.f.: /main/trunk@56263
— Merging r116898 through r117789 into ‘.’:
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/asad_hetero.F90
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_aero_ctl.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_all_tracers_copy_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_chem_master.F90
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_chemistry_ctl.F90
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_trop_hetchem.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/asad_flux_dat.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_scenario_Cl_VSLSs.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_setd1defs.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_setup_chem_mod.F90
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_ntp_mod.F90
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/asad_cdrive.F90
U src/atmosphere/UKCA/asad_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/get_emdiag_stash_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/get_molmass_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsbnit_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsf113_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsf114_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsf11_updt_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsf1211_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsf12_updt_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsf1301_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsh141b_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsh142b_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/photolib/acsmcfm_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emdiags_struct_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emiss_ctl_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_emiss_diags_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_scenario_cf3i.F90
C src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_update_emdiagstruct_mod.F90
C src/atmosphere/nudging/nudging_calc_ecmwf_levs.F90
C src/atmosphere/nudging/nudging_ecmwf_level_defs.F90
C rose-meta/um-atmos/HEAD/etc/stash/STASHmaster/STASHmaster_A
C rose-meta/um-atmos/HEAD/rose-meta.conf
C rose-meta/um-atmos/vn11.0/etc/stash/STASHmaster/STASHmaster_A
G rose-meta/um-atmos/vn11.0/rose-meta.conf
C rose-meta/um-atmos/vn11.1/etc/stash/STASHmaster/STASHmaster_A
G .
Summary of conflicts:
Text conflicts: 15
Tree conflicts: 14

So, I thought to use ‘patch’ as that would sort my problem slightly. Otherwise, I have to check individual files and then modify my branch accordingly. What are U C and G before the file details? Further, some ‘C’ place is also different.

Please suggest me if there is any easier way to do this.

Regards, Alok