Dear NCAS-CMS support team,
I am trying to run some Hunga-Tonga simulations for a Univ. Colorado co-ordinated Tonga-MIP,
to run with GA4 UM-UKCA matching the code-base we used for the Pinatubo simulations we published in Dhomse et al. (2020) and Quaglia et al. (2022) – but following the protocol for the experiments, to run with nudging to re-analysis etc.
This I got 99% of the way there on PUMA-test, but the jobs I was running fine there, seem not to be working when I submit from on the new PUMAnew system.
I’m getting a basic FCM extract error when submitting the job.
It’s giving a “revision keyword not defined” error message re: the JULES FCM extract, and I remember getting this error message previously, possibly when the system similarly moved to a new PUMA server in the past.
I seem to recall we had to run an initial command, so that the model run could access the FCM repository for JULES etc. on the new PUMA server machine.
The ssh keys etc. are all set up fine, but when it extracts from the FCM branches to build the codebase, it’s giving an FCM extract error saying “revision keyword not found”
When I check the JULES/ext.out log file
Extract command started on Sun Dec 4 13:27:34 2022.
->Parse configuration: start
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/bindings/container.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/bindings/JULES_repos.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/machines/init_options.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/machines/cray-xc30-cce-archer/machine.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/machines/cray-xc30-cce-archer/ext_libs/default_paths.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): /dev/null
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/machines/cray-xc30-cce-archer/ext_libs/gcom_mpp.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): svn://pumanew/UM_svn/UM/branches/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/machines/cray-xc30-cce-archer/ext_libs/gcom_serial.cfg@22831
Config file (ext): /dev/null
Config file (ext): /dev/null
Config file (ext): /dev/null
->Parse configuration: 1 second
->Setup destination: start
Destination: gmann@pumanew.novalocal:/home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES
/home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/.cache/.ext: remove
/home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/cfg: remove
/home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/src: remove
Make directory: /home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/.cache/.ext
Make directory: /home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/cfg
Make directory: /home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/src
Generated ext cfg: /home/gmann/um/um_extracts/xplpg/baserepos/JULES/cfg/parsed_ext.cfg
->Setup destination: 0 second
->Extract: start
[FAIL] revision keyword not defined
Please can you advise, am I correct that there’s a command I need to run on the new PUMA machine so that the JULES extract refers to pumanew rather than pumatest?
That’s clearly the error, it’s trying to extract the JULES repository from, when it needs to extract this from
I’ll check the old NCAS CMS helpdesk system, to see if I can track down a query on that old system that refers to the command I recall we had to run there for the system to know it had changed from pumatest to pumanew.