I’m trying to run a copy of my own UM job that ran OK a couple of months ago. The suite id is u-cx568, and it is vn11.9 nesting suite.
I start with what I have done so far and add some notes for future reference. My question is at the end.
ANCIL_ANTS_VEGERAC is failing and the first problem appeared to be that qrparm.mask_cci was not created for some reason. So I copied it over from a suite run previously.
So now job.err has this;
/bin/sh: /home/d03/myosh/cylc-run/u-cx568/bin/python_env: Permission denied
[FAIL] python_env ancil_lct.py ${source}
[FAIL] --target-grid ${target_grid} --transform-path ${transformpath}
[FAIL] -o ${output_vegfrac} --landseamask-output ${output_lsm}
[FAIL] --ants-config ${ANTS_CONFIG} <<‘STDIN’
[FAIL] ‘STDIN’ # return-code=126
So it looks like the permission of python_env has been denied? the status was -r–r–r–. so I did chmod +w and then chmod +x on this file.
(But be aware that this is
and not
that required the change.)
Anyway, this did not solve the issue but brought me a different place. Now the error is like this;
OSError: /projects/cascade/hadsw/NS/ANTS_SRCE/vegetation_fraction.ao996.r73298.nc does not exist.
This is the error I have had before and was resolved in my older ticket. That time the file was moved (or the directory was renamed) to cascade.2022-06-07 instead of cascade, and I had to change all lines in all codes containing ‘/projects/cascade’. doing ‘grep -r cascade’ will find all occurrences.
Now however, either /projects/cascade, /projects/cascade.2022-06-07, or anything similar does not seem to exist.
So here is my question. Where is vegetation_fraction.ao996.r73298.nc now?
I hope that if someone moves files or directories, they create symbolic links in the original location.
Thanks for your help.