This is the first time to create ancillary file in a few months, so I may have doing something wrong, but ANCIL_ANTS_VEGERAC is failing in my UM vn11.9 nesting suite, u-cp427.
After the first crash I copied python_env from my older suite. Now I’m getting this message in /home/d03/myosh/cylc-run/u-cp427/log/job/20190710T0000Z/Regn1_sBrit_ancil_ants_vegfrac/NN/job.err
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/d01/pamcg/anaconda3/envs/antsv0.13/bin/", line 149, in <module>
args = parser.parse_args()
File "/home/d01/pamcg/anaconda3/envs/antsv0.13/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ants/", line 158, in parse_args
args.sources[ind] = ants.config.filepath_readable(args.sources[ind])
File "/home/d01/pamcg/anaconda3/envs/antsv0.13/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ants/", line 79, in filepath_readable
raise IOError("{} does not exist.".format(filepath))
OSError: /projects/cascade/hadsw/NS/ANTS_SRCE/ does not exist.
[FAIL] python_env ${source} \
[FAIL] --target-grid ${target_grid} --transform-path ${transformpath} \
[FAIL] -o ${output_vegfrac} --landseamask-output ${output_lsm} \
[FAIL] --ants-config ${ANTS_CONFIG} <<'__STDIN__'
[FAIL] '__STDIN__' # return-code=1
2022-07-20T16:24:25Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT
So it says /projects/cascade/hadsw/NS/ANTS_SRCE/ does not exist.
Am I doing something wrong or has any change been made recently?
OK. So it looks like I should I change this line; source=/projects/cascade/hadsw/NS/ANTS_SRCE
in app/install_cold/opt/rose-app-monsoon-cray-xc40-idl.conf
But there are several other places that specify ‘/projects/cascade’;
The cascade directory doesn’t exist, so you’ll have to. I don’t know if the new one is exactly the same as the old one, so you may need to email someone from the cascade group, if you can find them, if you’re unsure.
The date on the file:
is May 2018, so I guess that someone’s just moved the name of the cascade directory. I don’t know more than this, though.