
I was just trying to get a first run going on Monsoon and am getting this error in the ‘install_glm_startdata’:

get command-id=1648172596 failed: (SSC_TASK_REJECTION) one or more tasks are rejected.
moose:/opfc/atm/global/rerun/202204.file/20220417T1200Z_glm_t+0 → /home/d02/rglazer/cylc-run/u-cv482/share/cycle/20220417T1200Z/glm/ics/glm_atmanl: (TSSC_UNAUTHORISED) permission denied.
get: failed (2)
2023-04-18T12:55:37Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT

Is this saying something about I don’t have permissions to access the global model files?

Thank you,

Hi Russell

Do you have MASS access? If not, please contact


I do have access to MASS from the hpc. Example:

$ moo si -v
Moose User: mon_user_rglazer
Client: xcslc0; Revision: Rel_6.17.0
Query-file size-limit (byte): 32768
Default max. conversion-threads: 15
Default max. transfer-threads: 3
Controller:; Revision: Rel_6.17.0
PUT commands enabled: true
GET commands enabled: true
SELECT commands enabled: true
MDLS commands enabled: true
Multiple-put file-number limit: 10000
Multiple-put volume limit (MB): 5120000
Single-put volume limit (MB): 5242880
Multiple-get file-number limit: 10000
Multiple-get volume limit (MB): 5120000
Multiple-get tape-number limit: 50
Cost of storing one Terabyte for one year (GBP): 10.0
Storage: available; Revision: not reported