I have been asked to look into get ANTS running so people outside the MO can make ancils for JULES.
I know V has vn2.0 of ANTS on there but need the base datasets to get it running. This includes UMDIR to get the UM ancil data
I found this site
where the container used to point to /gws/nopw/j04/rdf_migrate_vol1 for this.
I tried looking for the GWS on the account page and it does not seem to exist anymore. Is there a new GWS I need access to? If so can someone let me know the name?
rdf_migrate_vol1 does still exist but you won’t find it in the account page. It’s also earmarked to be retired at some point so not suitable for long-term use.
I have just done a sync of $UMDIR/ancils from ARCHER2 into our umshared GWS and am hoping JASMIN can sort the permissions out so it is readable for you. I’ll let you know when I hear back from them.
Wow! Thanks Ros.
Once I get this ancil workflow running it is meant to be usuable by anyone on Jasmin. Not sure if you would want all and sundry having access to this space or I should copy the data somewhere else.
Cheers, RIch